Welcome to CVCover

Enhance your job application with customized resumes and cover letters tailored to each job description using AI.

Job Description Tailored Resume and Cover Letter

CVCover focuses on customizing and modifying your existing resume and relative information to match specific job ads or job descriptions. It also creates custom cover letters tailored to each CV and job description.

This allows you to enhance your job applications and improve your chances of selection.

Every user receives one free credit to work with one resume. Additional credits can be purchased for continued support.

How Does It Work

Sign up to get started. Follow the instructions on the forms and authenticate your registration via email.
We also offer social signup using your Google and LinkedIn accounts for a quicker registration process.
Sign Up

Already have an account? Log in here.
For a quicker login, you can also use your Google or LinkedIn account.
Log In

Please upload your current resume on the Upload page and include the job description in the designated text box. We recommend providing as many details as possible. You can copy and paste the job description for convenience.

After uploading your CV, you will be redirected to this page where you can view your combined resume and cover letter beautifully on any device. Simply click on the resume or cover letter sections to see them in detail. Enjoy the easy navigation!

After clicking on the CV section in the combined resume and cover letter view, you will be redirected to this page where you can view your CV in a clean and elegant format. This page allows you to manage your CV effectively with options to edit or print it. Click the "Edit CV" button to make any necessary changes, or use the "Print" button to generate a printable version of your CV in a new window, ensuring easy accessibility and presentation.

After clicking "Edit CV" on the Display Your Resume page, you will be redirected to this dedicated page where you can make updates to your CV content. The page displays your CV with interactive sections that you can hover over and click to edit. Clicking on a section will open a new page in a form format, allowing you to add new information, remove, or edit existing details. Once you have made your changes, you can save them and return to the CV Display page to review your updates.

After clicking on a cover letter section in the combined resume and cover letter view, you will be redirected to this page where you can view and manage your cover letter. This page displays your cover letter nicely formatted and offers options to either edit it or print it. Simply click "Edit" to make changes or "Print" to generate a printed version in a new window for your convenience.

Understanding Credits

  • Start Free: Receive one free credit upon signing up.
  • Additional Credits: Purchase additional credits to continue using our AI-powered services to enhance your job application.
  • Secure Transactions: All purchases are handled through our secure payment gateway.

Get Started Now

Begin your journey towards career success today – sign up now and start crafting the perfect resume and cover letter.

Sign Up Now